So I went to the funeral. Sylvia's family were there at the gravesite and I was asked if I would like to say anything in her memory. Quite honestly, I would have been too choked up to attempt it. Her sister was appreciative of my presence as were most of the other "mourners". Every family has one, Patti, her niece was the cold one. Aloof. Was it because of The Siver? Sylvia was always interested in who I was going to be having for dinner on any given night. What was I going to s...
Open School I dreaded it. What was my mother going to hear? I was a decent student, mother always would be disappointed if I didn't get the 100% on the test. She didn't punish with hitting. She punished with "the look". The look of disappointment. I remember the first feeling of a knot in my stomach when I was around eight years old. It is still with me. Though I can't imagine that my life is worthy of a silver screen version, I thought that getting some of i...