An eight year old's welcome into a world of Valium
Open School I dreaded it. What was my mother going to hear? I was a decent student, mother always would be disappointed if I didn't get the 100% on the test. She didn't punish with hitting. She punished with "the look". The look of disappointment. I remember the first feeling of a knot in my stomach when I was around eight years old. It is still with me.
Though I can't imagine that my life is worthy of a silver screen version, I thought that getting some of it down into print will help me make sense of how I got to be the person I have become, and lord knows, perhaps see if I can change things. So this is my first attempt at a blog. As long as I don't let my eighty eight year old mother read it, I guess I'll get through it.
Since I am a newbie, any technical advice re:blogs will be appreciated. Is everything appropriate to post aside from lewd ones? Is there a blog courtesy that I should know? Should blogs be daily, or can you skip a few days here and there?
I am certainly not going to ask my mother.